• Lots of people who do not know how glow in the dark pigment applies or stores; Some customers will ask about the vadity of our JULILANG glow powder; This article is aim to roughly explain the vadity of glow powder pigment. How should the glow in the dark powder be kept and stored?Usually if kept in
  • Long-lasting glow in the dark powder is one of the most common luminescent materials on the market. There is another type of glow in the dark powder - waterproof glow in the dark powder. What is the difference between it and the ordinary glow in the dark powder? Juliang will tell you everything in t
  • ​In our minds, it is usually the street lamps that provide light for the drivers at night. But have you ever heard the road can glow by themselves? Glow in the dark roads, also called glow the dark roads, are roads that can glow like fireflies at night. Therefore, what are the features and benefits of the glow in the dark road? You will find out everything in the following passages.
  • Casting resins are DIY friendly as long as you get the required tools and materials. It is also easy to make photoluminescent resins with our Juliang glow in the dark powder. Here we give you brief instructions on the DIY process.
  • Glow in the dark powder is a material that can emit light automatically in the darkness. It is also known as luminous powder. Some customers may ask why the luminous powder they buys is not that bright in the dark. Actually, glow in the dark powder is like normal lamps. Some of them are brighter and some are not that bright. There are many factors that determine the brightness of glow in the dark powder. For example, it can be light absorption time, powder purity, formula ratio, the particle size of the powder, etc. The particle size and light source are two decisive factors of the brightness of luminous powder. Today, let Juliang tell you everything about their relationship.lso known as luminous powder. Some customers may ask why the luminous powder they buys is not that bright in the dark. Actually, glow in the dark powder is like normal lamps. Some of them are brighter and


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 No. 4 workshop, Zhanchuan Technology Industrial Zone, Shinan Village, Shishan Town, Nanhai District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, China.


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