• Glow in the dark products have been popular in recent years and there are thousands of types on the market. These things that glow in the dark always knock people’s eyes out so they are developing so fast. What is the material used for glow in the dark products? Glow in the Dark PowderThe most comm
  • Glow in the dark powder is a photoluminescent material widely used in various industries like plastic, ink printing, painting, etc. It must be non-toxic, non-radioactive and safe enough before entering the sales market. The quality of glow in the dark powder has something to do with the manufacturer
  • There are three main types of glow in the dark material that are popular on the market. They are glow in the dark powder, fluorescent powder, and glow in the dark master batch, respectively. Each type of them is made of different elements and has different usages. To create an ideal glow effect, you
  • Have you ever met the following situation when you are driving? 1. Driving at night, you find it a bit difficult to see clearly the lines on the road.2. Driving on rainy days, the road condition is complex and you need to pay 200% attention to avoid accidents.3. Driving on foggy days, fog and haze
  • Do you want glow in the dark nails? I bet most girls will answer, Yes. With these fascinating nails, every girl can be the most outstanding person at any evening parties. Usually, you can buy glow in the dark nail polish at stores to paint your nails. However, if you cannot find what you want, you c


      info@jlglowpowder.com
 No. 4 workshop, Zhanchuan Technology Industrial Zone, Shinan Village, Shishan Town, Nanhai District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, China.


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